
Internship at Swayam Shikshan Prayog provides an opportunity for students to put their theoretical knowledge into practice and deepen their learning. 

We aim to provide students with an experience that will enhance their understanding of women’s rights and empowerment.

When you intern with us, you get an opportunity to not just learn about the sectors we work in – women’s entrepreneurship, women-led climate resilient farming, energy, water and environment and health and nutrition, but get hands-on experience in training sessions and working closely with our team and women leaders to address the challenges they face on a day to day basis.

  • Minimum 18 years old.
  • Studying in college or completed your course not more than 1 year ago.
  • Able to commit to minimum 4 weeks for your project, 6 weeks preferred.
  • Full time commitment preferred for the internship period.


If interested, please write to us at: