
Our Key Sectors

Climate Resilient Agriculture

SSP is de-risking agriculture and promoting women’s decision making by encouraging organic cultivation of multiple indigenous food crops and livelihood diversification to ensure household health, nutrition and income security. The Women-led Climate Resilient Farming (WCRF) model (also called as one acre farming model) transforms marginalized women farmers in climate-risk areas into resilient leaders, with better livelihoods and wellbeing by positioning them as agri-innovators and decision makers.

Farmer Producer Organisations

Four women led Farmer Producer Organisations have been developed with more than 3000 shareholders, who are taking lead in agriculture value chains. Sakhi Unique Rural Enterprise (SURE) is the marketing arm promoted by SSP which has helped in market linkage for farmer producer organizations. Currently SURE is promoting Milk, Pulses, Lentils along with other products that are required by small families in rural India. Also SURE provides farming related needs to farmers such as seeds, fertilizers, vermi-compost bed, and sprayers.

Clean Energy

SSP is developing the entrepreneurship of rural women by education and marketing of clean energy solutions such as biogas cook stoves, solar products, vegetable (subjee) coolers, water conservation techniques, organic agri inputs, solar powered milk can chiller plants, etc. through public awareness programs in the community, while earning an income at the same time. The pPartnership on Women’s Entrepreneurship in Clean Energy program (wPOWER India) funded by USAID has created 1000+ women entrepreneurs in Maharashtra and Bihar. Since 2016, supported by Misereor, this program is scaled up to more villages and built advanced capacities in women in Maharashtra and Bihar with more clean energy products and services.


SSP is investing in increasing the self-confidence, knowledge, leadership skills, and status of women by focusing on strategies for significantly enhancing their participation in governance, leadership in local governments, and social leadership related to rights and inclusion of marginalized social groups. SSP’s women’s leadership program, The Women’s Initiative to Learn and Lead (WILL) is a leadership development process that provides the pathways, milestones and enabling systems for mentoring and supporting rural women community and business leaders, and provides peer-to-peer learning opportunities and support systems.



Entrepreneurship: SSP is fostering entrepreneurship training and leadership skills with the support of Sakhi Social Enterprise Network (SSEN), the training unit promoted by SSP, to give women the social capital to catapult into business leadership. The initiatives provide access to seed fund capital and business expansion loans through banks and microfinance institutions such as Sakhi Samudaya Kosh (SSK); facilitating rural marketing, distributing by identifying new local business opportunities in health, clean energy, water, sanitisation; by facilitating dialogues between the women and local governments; and through enabling access to a robust network of grassroots entrepreneurs as a support system.

Water & Sanitation

The Women-led Sanitation Hygiene and Resilient Practices (wSHARP) program, implemented by SSP in partnership with UNICEF India, with women-led risk-informed community-government partnerships, was able to build community resilience systems by improving community and household water security for sustained and safe water, sanitation and hygiene and improved nutrition of women and children in convergence with national flagship programs.


SSP is investing in increasing the self-confidence, knowledge, leadership skills, and status of women by focusing on strategies for significantly enhancing their participation in governance, leadership in local governments, and social leadership related to rights and inclusion of marginalized social groups. SSP’s women’s leadership program, The Women’s Initiative to Learn and Lead (WILL) is a leadership development process that provides the pathways, milestones and enabling systems for mentoring and supporting rural women community and business leaders, and provides peer-to-peer learning opportunities and support systems.



Entrepreneurship: SSP is fostering entrepreneurship training and leadership skills with the support of Sakhi Social Enterprise Network (SSEN), the training unit promoted by SSP, to give women the social capital to catapult into business leadership. The initiatives provide access to seed fund capital and business expansion loans through banks and microfinance institutions such as Sakhi Samudaya Kosh (SSK); facilitating rural marketing, distributing by identifying new local business opportunities in health, clean energy, water, sanitisation; by facilitating dialogues between the women and local governments; and through enabling access to a robust network of grassroots entrepreneurs as a support system.