Sanjeevani More, Solapur, Maharashtra

Recognize and Unleash the entrepreneur in you

Looking proudly at eye catching display of designs, colors and materials, Sanjeevani Tai is amazed at the rapid growth of her tailoring boutique – from a tiny endeavor into a flourishing enterprise.

Widowed early, Sanjeevani Tai started a small tailoring business to support her family. With few orders coming in, she earned a paltry 4000 rupees (55 USD) a month, barely enough to scrape by. Desperate to enhance her income she enrolled in an entrepreneurship course offered by Swayam Shikshan Prayog (SSP).

“The training was my window to a professionally managed business. The key mantras I learnt:

  1. Know your customer –understand their taste and preferences.
  2. Know your market – the latest fashion, designs and materials.
  3. Know your finances – daily book-keeping is a must”.

Putting her learnings to action, she took a loan and opened a boutique in the local market. Strict attention to quality and personalized service won her a dedicated clientele of over 250 women. With orders pouring in, she expanded within a few months, employing five women and clocking a healthy profit of approximately 40,000 rupees (550 USD) per month.With her venture thriving, Sanjeevani Tai was determined to help other women. She now offers a three -month tailoring course. Her advice to women who aspire to walk in her footsteps – “Leverage the skills you have and monetize them. Perseverance is key. So, don’t be disappointed, if things don’t work out at first. Remember – financial independence earns you respect and gives you an identity”.Sanjeevani More from Solapur district in Maharashtra is one of the many successful entrepreneurs who have accessed SSP’s Entrepreneurship Development Training. She is now a part of SSP’s network.